Join Learn To Paint With Confidence
Want to paint originalunique artwork, but don't know where to start? 
Discover a simple process to

create beautiful, unique artwork in your own style, 

with Confidence!


Great painters don't have 'natural born talent'. 

They learn the necessary skills to create the painting they envision. Guess what?.....You can too!

There are 5 essential core skills that EVERY artist needs to bring their vision to life. Read on to see how you can learn to paint ANYTHING you want!

Start here
Discover a simple process to

create beautiful, unique artwork in your own style, with 



Great painters don't have 'natural born talent'. 

They learn the necessary skills to create the painting they envision. Guess what?.....You can too!

There are 5 essential core skills that EVERY artist needs to bring their vision to life. Read on to see how you can learn to paint ANYTHING you want. 

enrol here!


Let me guess...


You love painting and want to create your own original artwork.

But, painting without the help of a tutorial, feels difficult right?


  Do any of these sound familiar . . . 

'Where do I even start? and how should I build the layers up in a painting?

'I want to find my style and paint more loosely, but don't know how?!' 

'Colour mixing is difficult and I'm scared of wasting paint!' 

'I struggle to stay motivated to paint, when life gets overwhelming'

Maybe you've already tried to paint something original & unique,

but lose motivation when your painting goes 'wrong', leading to disappointment and feelings of frustration. Jumping from one subject to the next, can leave us with a bunch of half-finished paintings, in no particular style.

Maybe you're starting to wonder...

"Can I really call myself an artist?" 

Losing motivation can take away your love of painting, resulting in paints going into storage and leaving your passions unfulfilled!!

   We can't let that happen to you!


The reality is...

You probably haven't got a process for improving your work. Maybe you've been trying to improve your 'painting' skills.

There's a problem with that. Painting isn't 'a' skill.

It's actually made up of 5 core skills, and when we break painting down and focus on each of these skills individually, we can see improvement FAST! 

With results like these

It's no wonder artists are loving this unique approach to painting in acrylics!

The #1 mistake

frustrated artists keep making is...

thinking that the best way to learn is by copying other artists.

"Can't I just watch tutorials on YouTube?"

Yes! Of course you can... my YouTube tutorials have millions of views, yet those same artist's ask for help with their own, unique work. A Youtube video designed to help thousands of people, WON'T guide YOU on your path as an individual.

but's OK.

It's not your fault. I've been there too!

The art education system is flawed. I have yet to meet ONE artist who found the education learned at school, to be helpful in their art journey. But today's the day you bring your power back, and take control of your creativity.

Your journey is completely unique to you. You have something SO special and unique to share with the world. 

YOUR vision, YOUR artwork and YOUR story.



To actually see real improvement, first you must focus on the core painting skills individually.

When you focus on improving these fundamental skills, you will FINALLY create the acrylic paintings you dream of!

The 5 core skills 

Drawing - Composition - Value - Colour Mixing - Technique

The good news is that you CAN be the artist you want to become. You ABSOLUTELY 'have what it takes'.

Would you like to...

  • Paint anything you see or imagine in acrylics, (without relying on tutorials)
  • Develop your OWN style and paint more 'loosely'
  • Feel confident, joyful and fulfilled whilst you're painting and feel proud of what you've created

Don't you think enough time has passed without feeling fulfilled in your dream of becoming an artist?

Let's work together to create art you love!

The VALUE is in the vision.

If I painted Van Gogh's 'A Starry Night', a perfect copy of the original, how much would it sell for? Would it sell for 110 million dollars, just like the original? Of course not.

 "An artist is not paid for his labor but for his vision"

- James McNeill Whistler 

That is exactly why I want to guide you on your own unique path to discover your authentic voice as an artist. 

Let's work together to create art you love!

The VALUE is in the vision.

If I painted Van Gogh's 'A Starry Night', a perfect copy of the original, how much would it sell for? Would it sell for 110 million dollars, just like the original? Of course not.

 "An artist is not paid for his labor but for his vision"

- James McNeill Whistler 

That is exactly why I want to guide you on your own unique path to discover your authentic voice as an artist. 


The complete system for improving your acrylic painting skills so that you can create your BEST PAINTING YET, in your own style! OR YOUR MONEY BACK!

What's Included?

It's a 6-module transformation process that will help you: 

  • discover the core skills that are holding you back personally and how to create beautiful artwork without copying others, so you can truly feel connected to your work
  • learn how to take and use your own references and convert them into unique paintings for never-ending inspiration
  • implement a 7-step framework that you can use to literally paint ANYTHING in acrylics!  


You're going to




A complete ‘Learn To
Paint With Confidence’
printable workbook
full of practical tips and exercises.


Unlimited, lifetime access, so you can come back to the lessons as many times as you like!


12+ hours of video
lessons which you can
follow along with
(Captions included!)


Library of exclusive,
beautiful reference
images you can use in your art.


Composition templates
you can use in your
paintings for easy inspiration.


Inspiring community
where you can share
your artwork and
encourage others.

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Enrol Now ➡

Here's what people are saying...

Let's Talk Modules

The breakdown

Overcome Your Biggest Challenges

When you discover the reason ‘why’ you paint, you can channel that to stay motivated and carve your artistic path in a way that brings you joy. I will guide you through a sneaky strategy to discover the REAL reason why your paintings aren’t working.

We will learn how enabling fear puts us (and our creativity) in a box, limiting our true potential. I help you through some mindful exercises that can help us let go of fear, so that you can create with freedom. 

Inside Module 1 you'll explore: 

  • the secret to ditching negative comparisons, so you can create with freedom and confidence. 
  • how to develop more patience by simply changing your perspective. 
  • the TRUTH about what actually makes a piece of art valuable, so that you can create with intention. 

Find Your Creative Freedom

We will dig deep into your desires as an artist, and set goals that will help you achieve your dreams. Together we challenge the way you create, which will set you free from limiting beliefs and power your artistic vision. 

We will discover how to create a space for creative fulfilment, with discover which supplies will give you expressive freedom. 

Inside Module 2 you'll explore: 

  • the single most important tip that will improve your artwork instantly.
  • secret to ditching self-doubt, and instead cultivating a sense of abundance so we can create without fear.
  • a powerful strategy to deal with criticism, so that you can stay true your inner voice. 

The Fastest Way To Improve

This is the point in your transformation where you will see REAL improvement your skills. We break 'painting' down into the core skills, and focus on each skill individually. This is the proven, easiest way to go from a struggling beginner artist, to an empowered artist who is confident in drawing, composition & color mixing. The module is full of practical exercises where you will see HUGE advancement. 

Inside Module 3 you'll explore: 

  • the secret to creating beautiful compositions EVERY time.

  • what your art teacher never told you & a secret strategy for creating any colour, so you can mix colours with confidence.  

  • the single most important way to create depth in your work and how to ditch that 'amateur' look.

Expect lots of fun ‘hands-on’ exercises, and an intensive delve into mixing colours.

 Get your sketchbook ready! 

Finding Inspiration And Using References

You'll discover how to use references for your painting, translating & simplifying them to use in your paintings. This is powerful because it means we can begin creating totally unique artwork using our own reference photos. Your begin to carve your OWN path as an artist. 

We look at gathering inspiration, motivation and how to push through art block. I also share some ideas for discovering your voice and what you would like to 'say' with your artwork. 

Inside Module 4 you'll explore: 

  • the sneaky exercise to improve your ability to see & draw proportions correctly. 

  • how to overcome art block & burnout, so that you can find joy in painting again. 

  • how to discover what you want to 'say' with your artwork and begin nurturing ideas.

Discover Your Unique Painting Style

You begin discovering who you are as an artist and begin to carve out a clear direction for your work. 

We will study the paintings & techniques of artists we admire. Taking inspiration from them, we will learn how to inject our own paintings with mood & atmosphere that excites us

I challenge you to really look at what inspires you and from there, we start to envision the artist you will become.  

Inside Module 5 you'll explore: 

  • the TRUTH about what really makes a 'style', and the biggest mistake you might be making right now. 
  • how to create beautiful artwork without copying others, so we can truly feel connected to our work.
  • the secret to uncover your unique voice as an artist & find your style.


Simple 7-Step Strategy To Paint Anything!

You will discover my simple 7-step process, that will make painting ANYTHING easy! You can use this 7-step formula with any painting you create.

I guide you through each stage of the painting process, so that you can follow along & create your own unique painting. 

Yes, by the end of this module - you will have painted a unique, piece of artwork, authentic to you

Inside Module 6 you'll explore: 

  • the easiest way to create solid foundations for your painting, so that you can create work you fall in love with.
  • how to critique your artwork and know when a painting is truly finished.
  • the single biggest downfall that stalls most beginner artists in their paintings, and how you can overcome it.  
   See it all come together!

Snapshots of the course...

Yes I want to join!

Real. life. results.

"My art journey was one full of struggle and fear...

I would either make something I was not happy with or create something I was happy with, only to fear that others wouldn't approve...So, I stopped creating or rather, severely limited myself to create very few art pieces for many years. This was frustrating because I wasn't allowing myself to creatively grow in style or skill and it showed.

When I took Katie's course, I was surprised at what I learned. I took away two main things.

1. To create from a place of abundance.
2. To create without comparing.

I learned many other things in the course, but those two components really allowed me to let go and paint. Let your paint (or whatever medium you use) take you away on an adventure. 

It's waiting for you. "

  Alicia Lehman

"I have started seeing myself as the artist I am.  My paintings have a voice, my voice."                

"The results told me I had the capacity but lacked the technique and experience.

I did not know how to start a painting on my own, how to properly set the layers, how to mix colors, what was the best brush for a particular shape or texture and so on. As soon as she announced the program I jumped on the opportunity. 

I started following her guidelines...And things started to happen! I was able to see a photographs and visualize the bottom layers, the tones and shades, how to make the sun shine on leaves and trees reflect on water, my first animal painting ever (see photo) and so much more."

     Maria Quintas-Herron

It's time for real talk, friend! I hear you saying...

'But I don't have time?!'

I get it . . . I'm a busy mum with a toddler. Life is hectic!

You probably think...

improving your artwork 'should' take a lot of time. That's likely been your experience so far...

But is it true? After all, you've probably already spent a LOT of time trying to improve your artwork already, but are you where you'd like to be?

What if I told you...

I had a map, to get you EXACTLY where you need to be, in the FASTEST, EASIEST way...
would you turn it down?

I've created a step-by-step system, with short videos (some only 3-7 mins long) of how to improve your work in the simplest way. This process will SAVE you time and you'll be creating paintings you love in weeks...if not days!!

And let's be honest...

No one ever said... 

'spending time fulfilling my dreams was the biggest mistake I ever made!'

When you enrol in Learn To Paint With Confidence you’re investing your time & effort into improving your artwork, in the fastest and easiest way!

   Let's get you started!
Get Started now ➡

Join Learn To Paint With Confidence 

and finally start creating the paintings you dream of!

  • 7-Step formula to paint ANYTHING
  • Understand how to create beautiful compositions
  • Learn different painting techniques so you find your style
  • Support & feedback with your artwork
  • BONUS GIFT 'Composition Guide' E-Book
  • FREE BONUS mini-course 'How to Paint Abstract Artwork'

Just 6 instalments of $100

or you can save by paying in full here.

Click here to get instant access!

If you don't see results, get your money back!

There is a 60 day guaranteed full refund if you feel the course is not for you. It is 100% risk free.

I believe in the course SO MUCH that I am willing to give you all your money back if you don't feel like it has benefited you.

If it helps you build confidence in your artwork, improves your skills and gives you the inspiration you want - perfect!!  If it doesn’t, you get your money back.

But full disclosure here…yes, there's a catch. You have to show me you did the exercises. Because you won’t get results without doing the work. If you have any problems, just email me at [email protected] and we can chat! 

The 6 modules in 'Learn To Paint With Confidence' will completely transform your confidence in your artwork. 

But that’s only the beginning...

You'll also get exclusive access to these additional gifts...

Video Mini-Series

How To Paint Abstract Artwork

Unleash your artistic freedom with creating your very own abstract artwork. I show you the inside scoop on my exact process and give you fun exercises to take your concept to canvas. 

You will also learn new techniques and tools to make an abstract artwork you will be proud to hang on your wall! 

  • HOW TO...create an AWESOME composition
  • LEARN new painting techniques & tools
  • CREATE your very own, unique, abstract painting!

and get my new 'Composition Guide'


Composition Templates for easy inspiration!

We all know composition is EXTREMELY important to paintings, but sometimes it can be hard to know even where to start…

Finally! An easy way to paint beautiful compositions EVERY time, with the ‘Composition Guide’. 

Just copy across these templates to your canvas and add your own style with colours and brush strokes of YOUR choosing, to make it completely your own. 

  • Beautiful compositions you can use again & again
  • Easy-to-use templates
  • A variety of seascapes, florals & landscapes to inspire you


...Completely complimentary!

The 6 modules in 'Learn To Paint With Confidence' will completely transform your confidence in your artwork. 

But that’s only the beginning...

You'll also get exclusive access to these additional gifts...

Video Mini-Series

How To Paint Abstract Artwork

Unleash your artistic freedom with creating your very own abstract artwork. I show you the inside scoop on my exact process and give you fun exercises to take your concept to canvas. 

You will also learn new techniques and tools to make an abstract artwork you will be proud to hang on your wall! 

  • HOW TO...create an AWESOME composition
  • LEARN new painting techniques & tools
  • CREATE your very own, unique, abstract painting!

and get my new 'Composition Guide'


Composition Templates for easy inspiration!

We all know composition is EXTREMELY important to paintings, but sometimes it can be hard to know even where to start…

Finally! An easy way to paint beautiful compositions EVERY time, with the ‘Composition Guide’. 

Just copy across these templates to your canvas and add your own style with colours and brush strokes of YOUR choosing, to make it completely your own. 

Beautiful compositions you can use again & again

Easy-to-use templates

A variety of seascapes, florals & landscapes to inspire you


...Completely complimentary!

So...let's recap

    What you'll get!

Join today 

for unlimited access to

When you enrol in 'Learn To Paint With Confidence' you get INSTANT ACCESS to the 6 learning modules - videos and exercises that are going to transform you into a confident artist with all the skills you need to create your own unique artwork. 

For just $99 today you see improvement in a few days!

You’re one step away from discovering a 7 step process that will guide you to create a unique painting you’re proud of. 

                                     You can do this!
Count me in!
  • Support & feedback with your artwork
  • BONUS GIFT 'Composition Guide' E-Book
  • FREE BONUS mini-course 'How to Paint Abstract Artwork'
  • A downloadable 'Learn To Paint With Confidence' workbook 
  • Exclusive access to a private community to share your work and discuss lessons.
  • Library of copyright-free reference photos you can use in your artwork

Would you agree?

Every great transformation always begins with a choice? A decision to act? 

You have a choice. In fact, every choice we make has a cause and effect. We’ve talked about inspiration and creating your dream life as an artist! And it is SO inspiring! 

  It’s time to make a choice. 


#1 - The first choice is to do nothing,

but as you know, if you choose nothing, then nothing changes. 

#2 - The second choice is to invest in your creativity and YOURSELF!

and begin your journey to a fulfilling creative life. 

if you already know you’re ready to start your creative transformation and create artwork you love, then your choice is obvious. Join us today in Learn To Paint With Confidence and begin discovering YOUR creative journey. 

So what will it be?

Here's your questions answered...

(If you have a question that isn't listed, feel free to email me at [email protected] and I'll be happy to answer any worries you have.)

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